The moment you access our website or purchase a WP theme from us, you are simply abiding by the terms and conditions that are listed on our page.
Theme License
Our WP themes have license under GNU [general public license]. With GPL you have the authority to use our products and you can use them on various domains both for personal and commercial purposes.
The Support
Buying our theme is a single time charge but support and upgrade is provided free for one year from the date of purchase. If you want to continue with our support and updates after completion of a year, you will have to pay fifty percent of the amount you paid at the time of theme purchase. You can download themes any time after purchase. You will get total support of our theme packages or theme bundle and you can contact our themes support forum. We do not provide support about the compatibility issues related to 3rd party plugins. We have support time during the day for your issues. Our major support medium is email.
Refund policy
Since our WP themes are digital products, any purchase you do is non-refundable. Once you buy the themes, there will be no refund. So make sure you decide properly before you buy.
You are free to copy or distribute our images because our images are from Pixabay. You do not have to ask for any type of permission. Our themes do not have copyright photography associated with them. Pictures are, in general, for the purpose of demonstration and provide functional preview to the visitor.
We provide warranty about our themes and these operate on the current version of WordPress. However, we are not liable for any harm that you face when you browse our website.
Pricing cannot be fixed and it can increase or even decrease in future for a single theme depending on the decision of the company.