Shams Solar Pro – Mobile View and Contact Details problem

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  • #55722
    Anne Maree Walker

    Thank you for your help so far. I have 2 more issues with the Shams Solar Pro theme:
    1. On our contacts page the actual address is appearing in the same font (bold and capitals) as the heading. I would like it to start on the line below and in the same colour and same size font as the email and phone number. Any ideas?
    2. In mobile and tablet view the menu does not appear and a black border appears around the first picture – normal fixes I would apply are not working – please advise
    Thank you for your support.



    Thanks for choosing us!

    You added an address in the place of Address title there are two settings available in the customizer to add an address, first one for Address title and second for the actual address.

    Please add the full address in the second Address field in customizer then it will not be shown in bold text.

    Many Thanks

    Anne Maree Walker

    Thank you – and could you please answer my second question – why is the menu not showing in mobile view? and why is there a black border around the picture in mobile view?

    Anne Maree Walker

    Hi, just an update – I have used a plugin to display the menu on mobile view, but it looks terrible. So please, any advice you can give so the menu can show on mobile view without this plugin would be much appreciated.



    Thanks for your reply

    For the menu icon not shown in mobile menu kindly follow the steps given below

    Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Additional CSS >> Paste the given CSS on it >> Publish.

    @media screen and (max-width: 1024px){
    .toggle-nav i {
    font-size: 29px;
    color: #1f1e1e;

    If you have any other query, do let us know.

    Thank You

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Themes Eye.
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