AAgaz Startup Theme – can I use it in Multisite environments?

Home Forums ThemesEYE Support AAgaz Startup Theme – can I use it in Multisite environments?


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  • #56168
    Mathias Mink

    Hi all,
    I need your help. I thought, that the mentioned theme is allowed to use in multisite-environments?
    However, I am not able to setup a homepage on a multisite.

    On the first site, everything works fine so far.

    Could you please support me in fixing the issue?
    http://www.computer-mink.de –> works.
    http://www.computer-mink.de/computerhilfe-idstein –> you see nothing on the homepage though I have setup sliders and other sections.

    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Mathias Mink.


    Thanks for choosing us!

    We have added license key in our themes that’s why you can use our theme only in one domain, not multiple domains.

    If you shift your theme from one domain to another domain we will delete your previous domain URL from our database, after this, you can use the theme in your new domain.

    If you have any other query feel free to contact us.

    Many Thanks

    Mathias Mink

    thank you for your quick response.

    But unfortunately that means, that I am not allowed to use the theme in a multisite architecture.
    I need to think about another solution.

    For now, please let the domain as it is.

    Best regards




    If you have any other query feel free to contact us.

    Many Thanks

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